Our textbook,
Understanding Organic Chemistry
is considerably different from every other textbook.
It is significantly better.
There is nothing new in carbon, and organic chemistry textbooks have not changed. Most colleges and universities continue to use the same "well established" approach. If you would like your classroom average to be consistently above 85%, consider the Understand OCHEM teaching method and materials.
Our textbook is considerably different from any other textbook. Understand OCHEM significantly increases students' understanding of organic chemistry. In fact, we titled our textbook, Understanding Organic Chemistry because that is the goal.
Understanding Organic Chemistry is an innovative and highly effective organic chemistry textbook that incorporates effective cutting-edge pedagogical approaches not found in any other organic chemistry textbook. Our textbooks and workbooks incorporate pedagogy known to help students retain information in long-term memory, analyze problems, integrate concepts, and apply skills to new situations. Our textbooks don't shortchange students on reactions found in other organic chemistry textbooks. It teaches foundational principles and analysis techniques, where students successfully learn the common reactions found in other organic chemistry textbooks. Students also understand organic-based reactions they have not encountered before, such as those found in biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, and advanced organic chemistry courses.
Workbook #1 Sample Tutorial